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What Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

  • Posted On: July 21, 2022
  • Posted By: Jimmy Brown

Generic Cialis 20mg Tablets are a widely popular medicine used to manage ED or other sex-related problems. Is using Cialis helpful for enhanced sexual life or can it support the libido? Questions like this must be revolving around your head, so before we understand the efficacy of the medicine, it is important to understand the impacts of ED in our lives. Erectile dysfunction is characterized by men’s inability to erect the penis during intercourse. When a man comes across persistent problems with getting or maintaining an erection, it is called erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is attributed to not only making sexual intercourse impossible but largely affecting our mental and physical health. Without treatment, ED cannot be fixed and it will continue to worsen overall health conditions.

Erectile dysfunction came into vogue back then during the retrospective era and since then; it continues to affect millions of lives. ED problems can affect any men between 20 to 70, depending on their health condition. In some cases, the persistence of ED is prevailing among children that gets challenging when they come out of puberty. As per one of the prominent studies done in Massachusetts, 30 million men worldwide are miserably affected by erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction. Most men are irregular with medicines and keep changing medicines due to unsatisfied results; this is also a cause of miserable ED conditions.

Low Testosterone Causes Erectile Dysfunction

Many other reasons are associated with erectile dysfunction with low testosterone being one of them. Low testosterone in the body reduces the flow of blood to the penis and whittles down the sexual stamina required to be in the bed. As one of the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction, testosterone has a key role to play in the overall development of our body. As per various studies, the connection between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction has still not received clarity.

Many researchers believe that there is a strong connection between the two. Men of growing age experience low testosterone levels due to which they continue to lose sexual euphoria and feel like resting mostly. However, some men of the same old age having high testosterone produce peak erection and enjoy penetration.

Diseases That May Cause Erectile Dysfunction 

Men with any medical condition can feel difficulty erecting the penis and this is not the case with one man. All men with some sort of disorder fail to enjoy sexual life as much as men with no disorder do. There is a strong connection between chronic disease and erectile dysfunction which may be surprising for many of you. Let’s take the example of diabetes, men with this disorder rarely get into intercourse and get an erection as per their expectations. However, blood sugar control helps minimize the risk and can get you the erection you want gradually. The number of diseases responsible for causing erectile dysfunction includes:

  • Kidney disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Cialis 20 Mg Online For the Treatment Of ED

Generic Cialis 20mg Tablets belong to the group of medicine called PDE5 inhibitors that are known to relax the blood vessels and dilate them to increase the flow of the blood in the penis. When the blood in your vessels increases, the erection quality continues to improve over time with increased blood flow to the penile chambers. The medicine helps erect your penis at its full length, improving the ability to last long in the bed. Make sure to take the Cialis 20 mg online 30 minutes before getting into sexual activity. The medicine lasts its effects for hours and can keep you turned on even after multiple performances.