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Types of Anxiety

  • Posted On: August 9, 2023
  • Posted By: Jimmy Brown

What is anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorders cause uneasiness and can leave you in mental dilemmas due to the inability to focus and think for a particular subject. The said disorder is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders characterized by persistent feelings of stress, fear, worry, and nervousness.

Anxiety disorder is likely to occur in around 28.8 percent of the population worldwide. Feelings of panic and anxiety can pose an actual threat to the overall health, making it difficult for you to control them easily. The best solution to control the disorder is to start taking anti-anxiety tablets USA after taking a prescription from the doctor.

Anxiety disorder can be characterized by a group of mental health-related conditions that may last for a long time. The symptoms of the disorder may start appearing even in childhood followed by experiencing them till you reach your adolescence. Symptoms of it vary from person to person and may even enter into adulthood. People suffering from anxiety disorders may suffer from some of the following symptoms:

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Experiencing a sense of danger or panic
  • Performing certain behaviors frequently
  • Irritability or restlessness
  • Being attentive to danger signs
  • Feeling tense
  • Feelings of apprehension
  • Unwanted thoughts or Lack of concentration
  • Feeling jumpy

Physical Symptoms:

  • Fatigue, Headaches, and insomnia
  • Sweating and tremors
  • Feeling difficulty in breathing or Shortness of breath
  • Upset stomach and Frequent urination
  • Feeling of increased heart rate

 Main 5 Types of anxiety disorder

The types of anxiety disorders depend on the medical condition and the reason for the anxiety. A person without the disorder may worry for a while when encountered by them whereas a person vulnerable to the anxiety disorder keeps worrying about the disorder all the time even in the situation when he/she is not closed to the threat. The five main types of anxiety disorder are

  1. Specific phobias

People can be commonly found struggling with this disorder called Social Phobia. It is characterized by specific and excessive fears of a wide range of situations that include heights, fear of flying, walking, dogs, bench, table, etc. Most of these can be listed in the rational fears as walking on the snow is a little risky for people not habitual of walking on it. People with this disorder think that it can cause extreme anxiety but it is not. Such disorder may be linked to your daily tasks or routines.

  1. Social Anxiety Disorder

This social anxiety disorder belongs to the category of chronic health conditions wherein people experience irrational fear and anxiety during social interactions. Symptoms of this disorder include difficulty speaking, blushing, sweating, and specific physical symptoms. People in this disorder experience being judged, humiliated, or feeling rejected by people in their surroundings.

  1. PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The complexity of this disorder is associated with the traumatic events that one suffers from. People from all walks of life can experience this disorder including but not limited to car accident survivors, sexual assault survivors, etc. This post-traumatic stress disorder causes severe anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares.

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a chronic disorder wherein people experience an extended period of uncontrollable anxiety with excessive worry and long-term fears. They suffer from the mental pain of uncertain life events accompanied by fatigue, nausea, severe anxiety, constant worry, restlessness, lack of concentration, etc. The persistence of this disorder impairs the ability to lead a blissful and normal life, causing behavioral changes in the patient.

  1. Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia disorder is a type of anxiety in which a person feels unconfident and fear going to places or avoiding situations that may cause helplessness, panic, or embarrassment. A person with this disorder tries to escape the situation and run away from embarrassing situations. This disorder is associated with panic disorder and can be experienced out of the fear of panic attacks.

Manage 5 Types Of Anxiety Disorder With Anti-Anxiety Medication

The first and foremost one should do is to seek consultation from the doctor who accordingly will suggest effective and safe anti-anxiety tablets online. Get yourself first supervised detox and medically managed. This is important for people who are consuming alcohol or benzos. They must know that withdrawal from these substances is likely to be fatal on the health front. Ensure that these things should be avoided while taking anti-anxiety medication USA such as Xanax Bars, Rivotril, Valium, Ksalol, bensedin, clonazepam, etc.

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