Our online pharmacy and associates provide services to you subject to the following conditions. If you access this website by browsing or purchasing medication within this website, you agree that you have read, understood, and accept these terms of use. Please read all the mentioned points carefully.
By using this website, you accept and warrant that:
We make every effort to provide all the information on the website as accurately as possible including the medicine descriptions, usage, side effects, warnings and precautions, and other details available on the website. This should not be considered as advice from a professional, medical practitioner, or used as a basis for a self-diagnosis. Additionally, we do not guarantee that the information will be accurate, reliable, complete, current, or free of errors.
We provide secure encrypted payment methods to our customers. We will only be able to dispatch the medicine if the full payment is received. Prices of the products are subject to change.
We aim to dispatch and deliver your medicines in a very prompt manner. However, if a third party is involved, the time of delivery can not be guaranteed. For more details, visit our delivery information page.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Terms and Conditions, and the related policies, please contact us.